Bermudagrass- Removal

Q: We sodded our back yard with ‘Emerald’ zoysiagrass. There was a small area that contained bermudagrass. Despite constant pulling, the bermudagrass area is starting to grow. Can I do anything else to remove the bermudagrass ?

A: Fenoxaprop (Bayer Advanced Bermudagrass Control) is labeled for use in fescue. However, it can not be used on zoysiagrass, St. Augustinegrass or centipedegrass lawns. Your only option is to spray glyphosate (Roundup) on the spot three times at 30 day intervals starting in May and ending in August. That should eliminate the bermudagrass. You can then plant zoysiagrass sod or sprigs in the spot. If you plant sprigs, do not expect full coverage until next summer.

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