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  • Date Photo Taken

    06 / 17 / 2014

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    New York

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Started growing in a pot that I had a few different things growing in the year prior wanted to make sure it wasn’t a reoccurrence of them before ripping it out? was in hospital when it started


  • Jim Unregistered says:

    Conclusion: USDA has it screwed up. Yes, I visited the site you posted and a few others.

    June 23rd, 2014 at 2:00pm

  • Jim Unregistered says:

    Try for photos of wormwood under name of artemisia vulgaris. I understand that artemisia vulgaris is not ragweed. I thought at the outset the specimens weren’t ragweed. Just was confused by USDA calling it wormwood, rather than mugwort, as you called it.

    June 23rd, 2014 at 1:15pm

  • stone Master Identifier says:

    Jim… Did you visit the site I posted? Your link did not go to the wormwood post. While wormwood is an artemesia, it is not vulgaris, but rather Absinthium… They use it when making absinthe. Artemisia vulgaris… Is not ragweed. Nstz… Have you researched mugwort yet? Might be just the plant to get your apothecary garden started.

    June 20th, 2014 at 6:47pm

  • nstz Apprentice says:

    So far the pictures I have looked at are similar but also there hasn’t been any consensuses to what it is almost more confused than when I started just want to no should I rip it out.

    June 20th, 2014 at 5:00pm

  • Jim Unregistered says:

    Still believe the specimens submitted are not ragweed, but I am confused by information on the site stone submitted. The USDA database ( says Artemisia vulgaris is called wormwood, and although there are a variety of leaf types shown there for wormwood, none of them to me seems to come close to matching the last two of the pictures submitted by nstz (which seem unlike the first one, which does seem a match for one of the USDA specimens for wormwood).

    June 20th, 2014 at 4:19pm

  • stone Master Identifier says:

    I’m thinking mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) Here’s an article that compares mugwort to ragweed… Mugwort has uses as an herbal… but it tends to be aggressive in the garden. Might not want to plant it in the garden… But you might not want to toss it in the trash either.

    June 19th, 2014 at 6:19pm

  • JIm Unregistered says:

    Not sure what it is, but I don’t think it’s ragweed.

    June 19th, 2014 at 10:21am

  • Bobby Master Identifier says:

    looks like common ragweed.

    June 18th, 2014 at 11:52am

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