Camellia/Azalea/Rhododendron/Blueberry – Cranberry Rootworm

When a gardening friend first described the damage to her camellias on Sea Island, I thought the holes in the leaves must be caused by an insect pest.
But when I saw the holes were not round, I shifted gears to believe they were caused by bacterial infection.
Then she took the leaves to a true EXPERT, a local camellia grower with years of experience.
He diagnosed the C-shaped, curving holes as being caused by cranberry rootworm, which, despite its name, also feeds on new leaves of rhododendron and camellia.
The insects feed at night, so they are rarely seen.
Control with imidacloprid (click for sources) soil drench or spinosad (click for sources) sprayed under leaves at night.
See also:
Pests of Rhododendron
Cranberry rootworm damage
Cranberry rootworm damage
Cranberry rootworm damage to rhododendron

on redbud

on azalea