Native Evergreens – For creek banks

Q: I know of deciduous plants for creek banks – but want to know some evergreen ones that will hold the soil during heavy rains when the water rises. Would nandina be good for this?
A: Theresa Schrum replies: “Most folks don’t realize that all riparian areas in Georgia (creeks, rivers and lakes) fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Natural Resources which has strict guidelines for such areas.
I would not plant nandina in this area as the DNR frowns upon non-native vegetation being used in such areas.
Here is a list of native evergreens that can grow in this area:”
Agarista (aka Florida Leucothoe): full sun/part shade
Leucothoe: part to full shade
Anise: full sun to full shade
Inkberry (Ilex glabra): full sun/part shade
Yaupon Holly: full sun/part shade
Carolina Cherry Laurel: full sun/half shade
Native Deciduous shrubs:
Sweetspire (Itea): full sun/part shade
Summersweet (Clethra): full sun/part shade
Sweetshrub (Calycanthus): full sun/shade”