Creeping Charlie vs Pennywort (Dollarweed) vs Dichondra – Identification

Q: What is the difference between creeping Charlie, pennywort and dichondra?
A: All three are ground-hugging weeds that love damp soil. I collected leaves of all three so you could compare what you have.
Note that creeping Charlie leaves have ragged edges. Dichondra leaves indent where they connect to the petiole (leaf stem). Pennywort leaves connect to the leaf stem in the center, not at the edge. Got it?
Persistence is the key to control of all three. They scatter lots of seeds so one spray will not eradicate the problem. It may that three or more sprays ay monthly intervals to really get ahead of the problem. And don’t be surprised if you see more of them next year.
Any of the three-way broadleaf weed killers (click for sources) will give moderate control but products that contain carfentrazone (click for sources)
or quinclorac (click for sources) are better
. Be sure to read product ingredient labels. This will also inspire you to read and understand which lawn grasses these two chemicals can be used on.