Crinum – Identification

Q: Would you please identify the attached flower I have blooming in my backyard?
A: According to one source, ‘Ellen Bosanquet’ crinum is one of the best known crinum hybrids in the United States. Percival Bosanquet grew the hybrid in 1910. It is named for his wife, Ellen.
Crinum x Ellen Bosanquet was first introduced in 1930.
There are many other crinums grown in the South. Some are pure white, some have flowers shaped like spiders and some have stripes of pink in the flower petals.
The leaves emerge from a large bulb in spring. They are very lax, so give the plant room to flop. You may want to use stiff wire or bamboo to support the flower stalks above the foliage.
See Crinum x Ellen Bosanquet and Crinum ‘Ellen Bosanquet’ Picture.
Crinum x Ellen Bosanquet
Crinum x virginicum or Crinum x powellii var album)