Plants That Move

I was recently asked by a writer for a list of plants that have a suggestion of movement in their name. I posed the question to my Florida Extension colleagues who help me with “Your Southern Garden”.
Over dinner at a nice Mexican restaurant, we came up with the following:
quaking aspen
running bamboo
running cedar (pine)
creeping fig
jumping bean
wandering Jew
climbing fern
walking iris
climbing hydrangea
Flying dragon citrus
Rambling rose
Walking palm
creeping thyme
clumping bamboo
travelers palm
spiral ginger
spiral juncus
shooting star
weeping willow
creeping Jenny
creeping Charlie
creeping fescue
creeping raspberry
nodding thistle
nodding onion
I don’t know who came up with this last one, but it wasn’t me!
Screw pine
And here are even more, suggested by my Facebook friends
weeping blue atlas cedar
creeping rosemary
bleeding heart
climbing rose
Virginia creeper
hearts a burstin’
white runner beans
climbing hempweed
climbing milkweed
floating bladderwort
flaming Katy
weeping cherry
walking onion
Johnny jump up
climbing hydrangea,
Knock Out Rose
creeping phlox
turnip greens (turn up – get it?)
creeping fig on garage door