Roses – Sources of Good Ones

Q: Your recent article on disease resistant roses was great but you didn’t tell us where we could buy them!
A: My colleagues Martha Tate and Erica Glasener could teach me a few lessons couldn’t they? Whenever you see a plant mentioned by local writers you should first check with nurseries in the Atlanta area. Pike Family Nurseries, Habersham Nursery, Hastings Garden Center and many other garden stores do an excellent job offering the best plants for our part of Georgia.
If local emporiums don’t have what you want, use the Internet to search for them. You might be surprised to find a local or Southeastern nursery on the Web which can supply your needs. The roses I wrote about are available from Roses Unlimited and from the Antique Rose Emporium.
The roses I listed are only one group of disease-resistant roses. Take a note-pad to your garden center and list the roses that most appeal to you there. Then go back home and do your research at or the American Rose Society. The April issue of Fine Gardening Magazine has an excellent collection of “best rose” lists for different parts of the country.