Sowing A Perennial Flower Garden – Should I Cover Seeds With Mulch?

Q: I read about sowing a perennial flower garden in the fall for spring blooms. Instructions said to remove all old grass, prepare the soil and cover with black plastic to kill all grass and weeds. Then after the first frost, sow the seeds. I can’t find out if you cover seeds with mulch or move them into the bed.

A: Visions of a low-maintenance perennial flower bed are quite a contrast with reality. These are the problems you’ll face: Covering the spot with plastic in fall won’t kill the weeds.. Solarizing soil requires eight weeks of very hot sunny weather. I guarantee weed seeds in the cleared area will sprout alongside your wildflower seeds. It is imperative that they be removed before they grow large. How will you tell the difference between weed and flower? The weeds have to be pulled by hand so include stepping stones in the area to kneel on while you work. Plan on thoroughly weeding every week, even in the winter, to keep competition at bay. More details at

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