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    04 / 27 / 2024

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The leaves on my 3-year-old Japanese Maple suddenly started to wilt. All of the leaves are now wilted. The tree is in full all-day sun. So far this year, it has only received rainwater and the soil is sufficiently moist. It was well-fertilized last fall. What could have caused this and how can it be treated?


  • walter Unregistered says:

    Look on the lower trunk for the toothpicks that are the sign of Asian ambrosia beetle. This would be the time of year to se their damage. I saw a 25 ft. fig yesterday that was 2/3 wilted…and lots of toothpicks at the base.


    May 31st, 2024 at 7:11pm

  • laura735 Master Identifier says:

    Some varieties of Japanese maple can be planted in full sun. According to sources most Japanese maples prefer partial shade to filter sunlight. Regrettably not able to see this in person, it’s hard to tell reasons of its decline. Best you try the local county Agriculture Extension for help from the included link below. Also the experts from Maple Society of North America in the second link. Best wishes!

    May 31st, 2024 at 8:02am

  • laura735 Master Identifier says:

    May 31st, 2024 at 8:28am

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