Planet Jr. Cultivator

Q: I want to know more about this tool. I have found NEARLY identical tools, but almost never a 1 wheeled version with the same sweeps. Here is what I know….
My parents got it back in 1990 from our neighbor lady who was moving into a nursing home. She and her family had lived in the same house for 90+ years
Its a Planet JR
It has 2 different numbers on the main wheel one side has 3052 the other has 3051
The underside of the pedal area has the number 3032
The side of the sweeps/plow has the number S101
We are trying to decide if we should clean it up and restore it OR leave it rusty and just put newer handles on it and put in the yard as decoration.
A: My brother, Robert Reeves, is an antique tool expert. He says it’s a push hoe/cultivator. It was probably built in the late 1800s.
Our favorite part of the tool is the rubber wrapped around the iron wheel. This is exactly how our father repaired his tractor tires.