Pecan – Scab Disease

Q: I have two eight-year old pecan trees. The nuts turn black, sort of like mildew on the hulls. Is there anything special I can do to correct this.
A: I’ll bet your trees have scab, a common disease of pecans. In south Georgia, pecan farmers use huge blowers to direct a mist of fungicide into the tops of their trees. They also plant scab-resistant varieties like ‘Stuart’, ‘Elliott’, ‘Curtis’, and ‘Gloria Grande’.
The fungus is blown up into the tree from infected leaves and fallen nuts by spring storms. It’s almost impossible for a homeowner to control scab. Rake and destroy every fallen leaf, nut and twig each autumn and pray for a dry spring.
It is particularly important to fertilize and lime your trees correctly. Go to for details.
See this excellent publication from Clemson