What To Plant In A Colorful Yard

Q: My wife and I are building a home and are wondering what would be good to plant in our yard: trees, shrubs, etc. We like things that bloom at different parts of the year so there is always some color and would love some fast growing trees for fall color. We’re coming from Los Angeles, so the world outside of succulents and palm trees is a bit new to us.
A: I could give you list upon list of plants that grow well here but you would be much better off hiring a local landscaper. Look online for local Facebook groups and post a request for recommended landscapers on NextDoor.com. You will get the best advice from someone who can visit your site and see the different environments in real time. A good designer will know instinctively what plants your landscape will support. In the mean time you can familiarize yourself with our typical landscape plants at bit.ly/GAlandplants,.