Bahia (Bahiagrass) – Control

Q: I have bahiagrass, which I hate, in my yard. Do you have any long term solutions/suggestions for getting rid of it?
A: Bahiagrass is sometimes used as a turfgrass or forage but it is usually viewed as a weed in the Atlanta area. You can identify the grass by its two ascending seedheads, which make a distinct “V” shape.
This grassy weed has reddish-purple stems that creep along the ground and root wherever they are able. When it has rooted, it sends up tall leaves and seed stems. Wind and water scatter the seeds throughout your lawn. Since bahiagrass grows like most lawn grasses, it is difficult to kill it without hurting the turf you want to preserve. It is a perennial, arising from the crown each spring.
Painting glyphosate (click for sources) onto the plant with a foam paintbrush is one option.
Controlling bahiagrass with selective weed killers is difficult. See Controlling Bahiagrass in Lawns for ideas.
Metsulfuron (click for sources) does a great job but is expensive.
Be sure to apply a grassy weed pre-emergent herbicide (click for sources) each spring in March to keep seeds from germinating.
V-shaped seedhead of bahiagrass