School Garden – Resources

If you’re a teacher or parent involved in setting up a school garden, you know there’s lots more to it than digging the dirt and planting some seeds.
Do you have a good garden spot? When will you plant? What will you plant? Who cares for it in summer? What will you do with the produce?
Much of your success will depend on the soil, so let’s start there. I’ve been trialing bagged soil for raised beds and have had no problems with Nature’s Care Raised Bed Soil, Kellogg’s All Natural Raised Bed Soil and Dr. Earth Motherland Planting Mix. I have not been satisfied with the bagged topsoil that cost a couple of dollars per bag.
There are excellent resources to guide you in this big undertaking.
Here are my favorites:
Setting Up and Running a School Garden (the PDF version is better than the online text but it takes longer to download)
University of Georgia Gardening Resources