Viburnum – Identified as Blueberry

Q: I have five, three-year-old blueberries bushes. They have lots of tiny blueberries but have not matured into plump, juicy fruit.
When they did this last year I thought they were just immature plants. This year I am concerned. There are at least two varieties but I don’t know the names.
I want juicy blueberries next year.
A: In order to get blueberries, you have to have a blueberry plant.
Yours, unfortunately, is a viburnum.
Theresa Schrum reports: “This looks just like the ‘Emerald Luster’ viburnum that I grew in my Atlanta landscape. I’m guessing there was a labeling mishap at the nursery.”
I know you are disappointed but look at it this way: you’ve made a great habitat for birds. Buy some binoculars and enjoy watching them attack the berries.