Name that plant
Date Photo Taken
12 / 22 / 2017
Season Photo Was Taken
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Posted by
Bill Burnett
This flower was in bloom over Christmas 2017 in the beach dunes at Cocoa Beach Florida
laura735 Master Identifier says:
Maybe a type of Crinum? If this of the genus, I can’t tell which species yours is. Check out this included link for more information. Best wishes!
January 21st, 2018 at 1:49am
BILL BURNETT Registered says:
Walter, I think you’ve got it right. Thank you! It is wonderful you share your expertise. In that line, let me share a story I love. One day Ralph Waldo Emerson found himself trying to push a large calf into the barn with his son. The two of them pushed from the rear, pulled from the front, grabbed tail and ears alike. Progress was imperceptible. The best evidence that work was being done were their red faces and perspiration soaked shirts. The calf remained unmoved. Then, along came a servant girl. She grinned and stuck a finger in the calf!s mouth. The calf, seduced by this maternal proxy, followed her straight into the barn. Emerson smiled at his son and said, ÒI like people who know how to get things done!Ó Bill
January 19th, 2018 at 9:30am
Walter Reeves Master Identifier says:
hmmmmm.. maybe nerine?
January 19th, 2018 at 9:17am