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Date Photo Taken
08 / 20 / 2024
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Posted by
Jill Jones
These are 7 yr old blueberry bushes. The tops seems to be dying back and we got very little production this year. They were doing very well until now. We had a hot summer with little rain but we irrigated the garden as suggested by the county extension service. Is there anything we can do to help these thrive or is it a disease?
Julie Shields Unregistered says:
A few thoughts: 1) the spot looks a bit shady — are they getting enough sun? 2) the yellowing leaves with green veins means there is a nutrient deficiency — likely iron, possibly manganese. You should check pH, as the soil may be too alkaline for proper nutrient absorption. Also, mulch with pine straw instead of mulch — it helps a bit to keep soil more acidic.
October 8th, 2024 at 6:59pm
laura735 Master Identifier says:
Best you get in touch with your local agents of the Agriculture Extension Forsyth County | UGA. The link to Forsyth County Office Contact Info is included below. More than one photos will be needed, if they can’t figure what wrong; you might need to bring in a sample for inspection. Best wishes!
September 6th, 2024 at 2:40am