Name that plant

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Anne Page
I spotted it growing in a vacant lot, dug up 4-5 plants, and a year later I have this explosion of the plant in my back yard. Have I transplanted a beautiful weed? Are there any problems with this mystery plant?
Mud Puppy Unregistered says:
Mist Flower or Blue Mist Flower. One of my favorites as many of the Autumn bloomers are more red/orange color range. This “Blurple” (not quite blue and not quite purple/lavender) blossom really stands out. The biggest draw back to me is that during the summer it just looks like some weed. It will spread or seed itself to unwanted areas but it isn’t difficult to control.
October 15th, 2021 at 7:35am
sunnysue2009 Master Identifier says:
This is considered a weed by many, but I grow it, because the pollinators just love it. In the spring I pull out handfuls from areas that I don’t want it. You can weed eat it down too. Blue Mistflower is it’s common name, Conoclinium coelestinum, is it’s Latin name. I grew up knowing it as Ageratum. It is a native that I find easy to control. Good luck with it.😊
October 4th, 2021 at 5:22pm