Cuba Trip 2014 – Pictures

I recently returned from my third trip to a country that fascinates me: Cuba. This was a legal “people to people” trip, permitted and sanctioned by the U.S. State Department.
Accompanied by 23 equally fascinating travelers, we were able to visit organic gardens, music schools, nature preserves and buildings ranging in age from the 1700’s to modern day. We visited intriguing restaurants, ate amazing food and marveled at the transportation ingenuity of people who have imported few cars since the 1950’s.
It’s difficult to describe the buildings and homes of Cuba. Although we stayed in modern hotels, most people live in sub-divided buildings once occupied by the rich. Or they might be “lucky” enough to have an apartment in one of the concrete Soviet-style buildings that have all the charm of a cinderblock.
I came away with an enormous appreciation for the pride, energy and love of country that Cubans exhibit, even in the face of dire poverty. When I went to my local grocery store a day ago I was very mindful of how lucky we are to live in a country that is founded on democracy and capitalism!
I took hundreds of pictures. If you’d like to see some of them, I’ve divided them into the topics below. Click on each one to see my favorite photos of the trip.
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