Rock Eagle Camp Song – “Dem Bones Gonna Rise Again!”

I worked as a counselor at Rock Eagle 4-H Camp, near Eatonton GA, from 1969 to 1972.
Quaint though it seems now, one of our most enjoyable activities was gathering in the dining hall and singing all sorts of doggerel songs, handed down by legions of counselors before us.
One of our favorites was “Dem Bones Gonna Rise Again!”, a singing story of Adam and Eve’s relationship to God and each other.
One of my favorite memories is 70 counselors, dog tired after a day of working with campers, jumping up as one body to dance, twirl, screech and shout as this favorite song was announced.
Click here for the lyrics to “DEM BONES GONNA RISE AGAIN!”
And here’s a video of a guy singing it so you can learn the melody.