Pomegranate – Pruning Into a Tree

Q: I planted a pomegranate a couple of years ago. It is now six feet tall. I would like to get it to grow up and be more of a tree rather than a bush.
A: Unpruned, a pomegranate will assume a bush form but there’s no reason you can’t make it a tree. Simply select one vigorous vertical sprout and prune outside shoots up to approximately two feet from the ground. Pomegranate has been promoted for its health-giving properties so many gardeners are trying to grow it. Dan MacLean, University of Georgia horticulturist says ‘Wonderful’ has not fruited well in Georgia. You could try ‘Granada’, ‘Angel Red’ and ‘Eight Ball’ in comparison. I have more pomegranate growing information at bit.ly/GApomegranate