Name that plant
Date Photo Taken
07 / 28 / 2018
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Posted by
Bo Mullins
Looks kind of like a Virbenum of sorts, but it is HUGE! Vine trunk is dark brown in color, deeply furrowed 1.5″ – 1.75 inches in diameter growing up through a large 30′ tall privy hedge tree formation. It exits the topmost part of the privy and pours out down the outside almost reaching the ground. If cut out, the top of the privy would probably not have any leaves due to the shade provided by this plant.
laura735 Master Identifier says:
Link to grapes seeds.
July 30th, 2018 at 10:07pm
laura735 Master Identifier says:
I can’t tell if this a heartleaf porcelain berry species (Ampelopsis cordata) or a type of grape. According to sources, porcelain berry fruit facing facing upward while grapes facing downward. Also I suggest you cut some of the fruits open and compare their shapes to seeds images from these two plants on the included links below. If neither is a match, make new post with other details i.e. closeup of the more mature stems, color of ripe fruits, fruits position, tendrils & base of the trunk. Best wishes! links to a species (A. brevipedunculata) of porcelain berry’s seeds.
July 30th, 2018 at 10:58pm