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    10 / 05 / 2020

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    Nancy Prindle


Attractive volunteer in my garden. Not sure if friendly Clump is 15″ wide x 10″ tall large leaves 3″ x 5″ dark green with some dark purple where sun has touched them


  • Ken Unregistered says:

    I just went through this experience by consulting an Iowa State University Extension Service volunteer Master Gardener to figure out that the specimen we were looking at was a first-year Hackelia Virginiana. As you also found, it was very hard to make an identification when so many of the photos on the Internet were of the second-year plant. Your photo looks very likely to be the same plant that I have, though it has many more leaves. Mine only have about 5 leaves.

    October 29th, 2021 at 11:54pm

  • Nancy Prindle Apprentice says:

    Thanks for the explanation of first and second year leaves. If, indeed, it’s stickweed, I’ll plan not to let it go to seed, but I am curious about next year’s flowers.

    Thanks, N

    October 18th, 2020 at 3:05pm

  • laura735 Master Identifier says:

    Hi Nancy,
    According to sources, first year of biennial Hackelia virginiana leaves are different than those in the second year. To my eyes your plant veins pattern & leaves shape appear to match those of first year Hackelia viginiana.
    Images from Google are depending on when those plants were taken (first or second year). This can be frustrating when searching for information on plants that tend to look different from a juvenile form compare to a mature specimen. Yes,’AAAUGHHH!’
    Again without flowers, I’m only guessing. Please give us an update when your blooms. It would confirm or rule out this suggested ID. Check out this link below for both form of leaves. Best wishes to you Nancy!

    October 16th, 2020 at 1:11am

  • Nancy Prindle Apprentice says:

    Hi Laura735. I find this whole conversation baffling. The two links you offered above make my point. It seems they are not the same plant at all.

    The same is true if I Google “images Hackelia virginiana”. The photos seem to show half a dozen different plants, Some that look like your photo #1 and some #2. AAAUGHHH!!

    Thanks for thinking about this. Nancy

    October 14th, 2020 at 4:44pm

  • laura735 Master Identifier says:

    Information for the species Hackelia virginana.

    October 9th, 2020 at 10:56pm

  • laura735 Master Identifier says:

    It’s tough to tell without flowers. I’m guessing for now, maybe Virginia stickseed (Hackelia virginiana)? Check out these included links for more information. When it blooms and you still don’t know, please resubmit with photo of flowers. Best wishes!

    October 9th, 2020 at 10:43pm

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