Name that plant
Date Photo Taken
10 / 30 / 2016
Season Photo Was Taken
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Posted by
lisa l williams
I have six of theses shrubs that until this year seemed to be healthy when long green stems began protruding from the top of the shrub. The leaves – which I believe turned red in the fall seemed to be sparser than normal stayed green. My landscaper pruned them (I think too much) on 10/29. Now I’m afraid they will die. The shrubs were close to 6′ high before being cut. Can you tell what it is from the photos and if so do you have any suggestions for what I can do to help them thrive?
laura735 Unregistered says:
I’m glad you’re no longer anxious. Thank you, for the well wisher and have a great holiday times & a Happy New Year Lisa!!! Laura
November 16th, 2016 at 7:35pm
lisa l williams Apprentice says:
Laura, you’re awesome! Thanks so much for the websites. The YouTube video relieved my anxiety (smile)! I hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season!
November 13th, 2016 at 1:55pm
laura735 Unregistered says:
Sorry for numerous posts. When I try to post more than one link on the same post, it automatically delaying my post for ‘awaiting moderation’ process. Here ‘s the link on burning bush pruning.
November 3rd, 2016 at 11:01pm
laura735 Unregistered says:
Link for burning bush’s fertilization schedule.
November 3rd, 2016 at 11:29pm
laura735 Unregistered says:
Appreciate the confirmation on the ID. Yes, you could use compost to boost up their health. Link below will help further in the use of compost in the garden. I’m glad to know these are burning bush shrubs, according to sources,these are very hardy and easy growth habit. Best wishes!
November 3rd, 2016 at 10:47pm
lisa l williams Apprentice says:
Thanks so much for responding. Based on the photos you provided, I think your description of the shrub is spot on. I understand that they are now going dormant, however is there any kind of nutrient I can water in or place near them that will be beneficial to their health?
November 3rd, 2016 at 7:53am
laura735 Unregistered says:
Hi Lisa, I’m could only guess their ID for you. Do they look like these plants from the link below? If they do, then these might be a type of deciduous Eunyomus plant, you can click on images to enlarge & for information. Eunyomus can take hard pruning. Even if it turns out yours are not that, deciduous plants are going into their dormant season at this time of the year, likely yours might be fine. You don’t want to encourage any new growth for these type of plants right before winter. For future pruning, it is depends on the growing habit of the plants if the fall color of leaves are desired, prune when the leaves are gone. In my own humble experience not all landscapers are ‘gardeners’. Best wishes to you Lisa and make new post with photos in spring if these are not Eunyomus.
November 2nd, 2016 at 11:59am