Name that plant
Date Photo Taken
04 / 10 / 2018
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Posted by
Jerald Sheets
I have trolled through Walter’s Pinterest page for hours and can’t seem to identify this thing. It looks like some, but then major characteristics differ. I’m interested in what it is so I can kill it. Anyone have any ideas?
gina perfetto Apprentice says:
You PROBABLY don’t want to hear that chickweed is in fact edible, but when in doubt, you REALLY can eat this weed, and I have heard it is tasty. Plenty of id sites, and yes, with RECIPES for chickweed! cheers
June 2nd, 2018 at 12:39pm
laura735 Master Identifier says:
This link has list of herbicides for Mouse-ear chickweed.
April 19th, 2018 at 10:24am
laura735 Master Identifier says:
You’re welcome Jerald! Check out this link for a physical description one of the mouse-ear chickweed. Best wishes!
April 19th, 2018 at 10:46am
Jerald Sheets Registered says:
Thank you, Laura. I hope that’s it. I’ve already done pre-emergent, and it didn’t affect the weed at all. I’ve also killed the main “hangover” weeds at my curb with Roundup, but it’s taking off in the front yard before my bermuda has a chance to get going, so I want to get it dead. 🙂 I’m going to go look for a better weed killer, but it’s also “weed and feed” time, so I’ll have to make a decision. Thanks!
April 16th, 2018 at 11:43am
laura735 Master Identifier says:
A closeup for the common mouse-ear chickweed (C. fontanum).
April 12th, 2018 at 3:03pm
laura735 Master Identifier says:
I wish I could see the open flowers to tell for certain. Maybe a species in the Cerastium genus (?). If this is of the genus, according to sources species found in GA include sticky chick weed (C. glomeratum), European chickweed (C. pumilum), nodding chickweed (c. nutans), big cheickwee/common mouse-ear chickweed (C. fontanum), and five-stamened chickweed. Checkout the included link below, click on the species for images and information. Best wishes!
April 12th, 2018 at 3:47pm