Cedar Quince Rust – Identification

Q: I have a tall Eastern cedar by my front door that I keep pruned in a spiral shape. I noticed yesterday that it has some sort of fungus in which a bright orange jelly-like substance is oozing from the trunk close to the base of the tree.

Please let me know if this is life threatening to the tree and if there is something I can treat it with.

A: It’s cedar-quince rust. This odd disease depends on two host plants: cedar and quince. The fungal spores spend time on the quince leaves before being transported to nearby cedar twigs and stems.

The disease causes spots on quince leaves. These can be controlled with a garden fungicide.

Unfortunately, there is no control for the fungus on cedar. The infection will eventually girdle the trunk and the top of your plant will die.

If you want to install another juniper you must inspect your landscape and neighborhood to see if any quince bushes are nearby. (There must be or you wouldn’t have the disease on your juniper.)

I think it would be easier to simply choose another plant to stand by your front door.

Read more here.

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